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Technical parameters:Technical parameters: 1) Mass range m/z 1.5-1090; 2) The EI source SIM sensitivity: 100 fg octafluoronaphthalene m/z 272, S/N ≥185 (RMS); 3) Maximum scan speed: 10,000 u/sec; 4) Ion source temperature: 100-300 ˚C, independent temperature control; 5) dual filament automatic switching mode; 6) GCMS interface temperature: 25-350 ˚C; 7) Double entry of turbo molecular pump differential system.
Application areas: Application areas: The separation, qualitative and quantitative detection of complex samples such as volatile environmental pollutants, pesticide residues in food andvolatile components of traditional Chinese medicine.
Applications areas: A variety of live cell experiments.
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: 1) Mass range m/z 10-2,000, Resolution R=2M; 2) The highest scan speed 6000 amu/sec; 3) Sensitivity: ESI positive ion, the reserpine 10 pg S/N >500(RMS); 4) multi-sequential manner Function Scan/SIM/Positive ion/Negative ion/CID switch.
Application areas: Application areas: The qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic compounds, mainly used in chemistry, chemical industry, life sciences, food science, environmental science, agricultural science, medicine and health, clinical medicine and other fields.
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: electric six positions objective lens conversion; electric bilateral light road exit; six positions high-speed electric fluorescent; fluorescent light intensity control; anti-quenching; three positions ultra-fast fluorescence conversion; 10X eyepiece; 25mm sight or other multiples eyepiece; 12 V 100 W halogen transmitted light illumination can be equipped with CO2 incubation system, then be linked with the CCD or photographic devices, and can be matched many kinds of software.
Application areas: Applications areas: A variety of live cell experiments.
LaChrom Ultra HPLC
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: pump withstand 60MPa; 100Hz high data acquisition frequency detector; 2m particle column filler to increase the separation efficiency, analysis of the time up to the conventional instrument 1/10 or even shorter. high detection sensitivity.
Application areas: Application areas: detection of many substances such as proteins, nucleotides, etc.; check the quality of the produce fluorescent drugs such as hormone alkaloids, vitamins, etc.
LaChrom Elite HPLC (FL Detector)
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: 1) L-2130 pump: flow rate range 0.001-9.999 mL/min; 2) L-2200 auto-sampler: standard injection volume 0.1-50μL and expansion into the sample volume of 4500 μL; 3) L-2300 column oven temperature control mode: preheat + air circulation; 4) L-2485 fluorescence detector the excitation wavelength: 200-850 nm, emission wavelength: 250-900 nm and 190-600nm, the wavelength calibration ± 3nm, sensitivity: water Raman SNR: 900 or more (baseline method), 450 or above (tangent method)
Application areas: Application areas: The determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, mycotoxins, pigments and proteins, alkaloids, vitamins and biologically active substances.