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LaChrom Elite HPLC (UV Detector)
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: 1) L-2130 pump: flow rate range 0.001-9.999 mL/min; 2) L-2200 autosampler: standard injection volume 0.1-50μL and expansion into the sample volume of 4500 μL; 3) L-2300 column oven temperature control mode: preheat + air circulation; 4) L-2400 fluorescence detector the wavelength: 190-600nm, the wavelength calibration ± 1nm, the noise level of < 0.6×10-5AU.
Application areas: Application areas: The determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, mycotoxins, pigments and proteins, alkaloids, vitamins and biologically active substances.
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer-3900
Technical parameters:Technical Parameters: 1) high-resolution concave diffraction grating focusing optical system, 2) dual-beam design, a highly sensitive photomultiplier tube detector, 3) wavelength range: 190-900nm, 4) spectral bandwidth: 0.1、0.5、1、2、4、5 nm,5) stray light<0.015% T,6) wavelength accuracy: ± 0.1nm, 7) baseline stability: 0.0002Abs/h, 8) light source: W, D2 lamp temperature control device (0-90℃)
Application areas: Application areas: high-sensitivity and high-precision spectroscopy analysis of chemistry, materials, biology.
FM-4 Fluorecsence Spectrophotometer
Technical parameters:Technical Parameters: 1) optical: all wavelengths ATR focus, micro-sample accurate imaging; 2) light source ozone-free Xe lamp; 3) spectrometer; plane grating, Czery-Turner design; 4) excitation 200-950nm, the best in the ultraviolet band; emission 200-950nm, the best in the visible band; 5) bandwidth 0-30nm; 6) signal-to-noise ratio: 3000:1 (water Raman peak)
Application areas: Applications areas: biological, biomedical and environmental sciences. The excitation spectrum, emission spectra, synchronous spectrum, three-dimensional spectrum and dynamic scanning of liquid, solid and powder samples.
F-7000 Fluorescence Spectrometer
Technical parameters:Technical Parameters: 1) sensitivity: water Raman optical signal-to-noise ratio is better than 800, and the inter peak SNR is better than 250, excitation wavelength 350nm, slit 5nm, response 2S; 2) minimum sample amount: 0.6mL (using standard 10mm fluorescence pool); 3) luminosity types: monochromatic proportional control; 4) light source: 150W Xe lamp, ozone is automated except; 5) wavelength measurement range (excitation and emission wavelengths) 200-750nm, and the zero-order light (using the optional detector expandable 900nm); 6) wavelength scanning speed: 30、60、240、1200、2400、12000、30000、60000 nm/min.
Application areas: Application areas: industrial organic electroluminescent light emitting liquid crystal material; environment-related areas such as water quality analysis; synthesis of fluorescent reagents with the development of the pharmaceutical sector; intracellular calcium concentration of biotechnology related fields.
Micro-plate Luminescence analyzer
Technical parameters:Technical Parameters: sample compartment specifications: 96-well standard microtiter plates; detectors: a bi-alkali photocathode PMT can detect spectral range: 300 nm-650 nm; maximum counting rate: ≥1.2ms-1; measurement time: 0.1s-36000s; working environment conditions: temperature: 10℃-30℃; humidity:≤70% (25℃).
Application areas: Application areas: cell detection, detection of lipid peroxides (free radicals, reactive oxygen analysis), biosensors, molecular biology research, hygiene testing, environmental testing, drug screening, medical applications.