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Current position:Home - FacilitiesLCMS-IT-TOF (Shimadzu)
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: Resolution: 10,000 FWHM at 1000 m/z; the MSn capacity: 10; highly selective precursor ion selection: resolution> 1,000 in the 1000 m / z; the polarity conversion time: 100 ms; quality accuracy: 5 ppm (internal standard).
Application areas: Application areas: It can be widely used in the structures of small organic molecules analysis, identification of Chinese medicines, foods, spices, pesticide residues beast residues, identification of drug metabolites, biological macromolecules, including peptides, a de novo sequencing, protein identification, post-translational modifications, and analysis of complex glycoproteins, which unknown compounds Formula forecast is its most distinctive feature.AXIMA Performance-MALDI TOF/TOF (Shimadzu)
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: m/z range:1-500 kDa (linear mode), 1-80 kDa (reflective mode); resolution: 5000 FWHM (ACTH corticotropin 18-39) linear mode, 20000 FWHM (ACTH 7-38) reflection mode; sensitivity: 250 amol (Glu-fibrinopeptide) reflection mode; parent ion resolution> 400 FWHM; mass accuracy <5ppm reflective mode; using helium CID collision can obtain a high energy MS/MS, the maximum energy is 20 keV.
Application areas: Application areas: Proteins, polymers, oligonucleotides, SNPs, metabolic intermediate, lipids, carbohydrates and various small molecules. Degree of fragmentation of the high-energy CID can effectively improve the analysis of objects. Ion gating technology can provide the first ion separation resolution.MS-2020 single quadrupole mass analyzer (Shimadzu)
Technical parameters:Technical parameters:Mass range m/z 10-2,000; resolution R=2M; scanning speed:15,000 Da/s; polarity of switching time is 15ms; positive and negative sensitivity 1pg reserpine, S/N>150 (RMS), ESI+; multi-sequence mode function: scan/SIM/positive ion/negative ion/CID switch up to 64 ways to collect data at the same time.
Application areas: Application areas:The qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic compounds, mainly used in chemistry, chemical industry, life sciences, food science, environmental science, agricultural science, medicine and health, clinical medicine and other fields.micrOTOF-Q II
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: 1) ESI orthogonal electrospray ionization ion source ( flow rate 1L-1mL/min); 2) Standard quality range 50-3,000 m/z; 3) Mass Resolution > 10,000 FWMH ( standard mode); 4) The application of external standard method, the error is 5 ppm (RMS).
Application areas: Application areas: The molecular weight determination and formula inferring of below 3,000 Da polarity, weakly polarity compounds. The molecular weight determination of intact protein macromolecules.High-Performance MALDI-TOF Systems
Technical parameters:Technical parameters: 1) Mass Resolution: MS mode (reflective) ≥ 5,000; 2) Sensitivity: MS mode (reflective) 10 fmol Neurotensin, S/N ≥ 10:1.
Application areas: Application areas: Analysis and identification of the complex system of polypeptide and protein. The molecular weight rapid determination of macromolecular compounds such as organic dyes, polysaccharides, polymers.