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- Professor Lin Jianhan from China Agricultural University paid a visit and delivered an academic report on October 29, 2020
- Dr. Zhang weifei was hired by the National Institute of Metrology, China.
- The eighth workshop on cell microfluidics-mass spectrometry for cell analysis was successfully held in Shimadzu Wuhan Analysis Center
- November 26, 2019 Launching project: Digging New Target and Designing Detection Chip for Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms
- “Water, so common, so mysterious” Lectured by Prof. Richard N. Zare
- Congratulations to Zengnan Wu for the poster award from “The 18th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis”
- Congratulations to Dr. Weifei Zhang on the poster award from “The 18th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis”
- Congratulations to Wanling Zhang on the poster award for “The 18th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis”
- Congratulations to Shuo Feng on the poster award for “2019 China - Japan - Korea Symposium on Analytical Chemistry”
- September 25, 2019 Congratulations to Nan Li on the poster award for “The Second Symposium for Cell Analysis on Micro/Nanofluidics”
- May 24, 2013 Prof. Katsumi Uchiyama given a lecture in our research group
- March 23, 2013, Final report for international research project of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd
- March 20, 2013, Voyage analysis of marine pollutant using our new designed instrumentation
- March 4, 2013 The 19th Nationnal Conference on Chromatography will be held in Fuzhou
- January 18, 2013 Congratulation Prof. Richard N. Zare been given the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award
- January 18, 2013 Congratulation Dr. Guanqun Song obtained the Publishing Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- January 16, 2013 Prof. Richard N. Zare given a lecture entitled “The Chemistry and Drink” for our students in Tsinghua University
- December 24, 2012 Prof. Ma Edmond Dik Lung visited our research group and did a lecture
- December 3, 2012 Prof. Yoshinobu Baba visited the Department of Chemistry
- September 21, 2012, Welcome the new members into our research group
- September 21,2012, RSC reported the news of Second China-US Analytical Chemistry Workshop Held in Beijing
- September 15, 2012, Successful close of the Second China-US Analytical Chemistry Workshop
- August 6, 2012 Prof. Jin-Ming Lin was invited as an editoral board of Chinese Chemical Letter
- August 16, 2012 Final Program of 2012 THU-TMU Joint Seminar
- June 5, 2012, Three new mass spectrometers arrived